Zájezd na Zahradu Čech (pátek 07.04.2017)

Vážení Doubičáci,

tak jako již tradičně pořádá obec Doubice pro své občany a chalupáře zájezd na výstavu Zahrada Čech. Letošní jarní zájezd proběhne v pátek dne 07.04.2017. Odjezd je plánován na 08:00 hod od Doubické hospody (U Krále) a návrat okolo 16:00 hod (odjezd z Litoměřic kolem 14:00 hod). Objednán je minibus pro 15 přihlášených osob. Další pasažéry bereme pouze v případě, že někdo z dosud přihlášených odmítne jet – informujte se u Hanky Šikýřové.

Town Cinema to Screen Indie Movies for the Whole Summer

An independent film is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly or completely outside of the major film studio system. In addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment companies, independent films are also produced and/or distributed by subsidiaries of major film studios.

Town Theatre to Host Romeo and Juliet Musical

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays.

Interview with Photographer Steffan Zoticus

Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures. Nature photography tends to put a stronger emphasis on the aesthetic value of the photo than other photography genres, such as photojournalism and documentary photography.

Report from Contemporary Art Exhibition in Town Hall

Contemporary art is art produced at the present period in time. Contemporary art includes, and develops from, Postmodern art, which is itself a successor to Modern art. In vernacular English, „modern“ and „contemporary“ are synonyms, resulting in some conflation of the terms „modern art“ and „contemporary art“ by non-specialists.

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